ISLE Skateboards Spring 2015 Deck Graphic Series


UK based Isle Skateboards return with six brand new deck graphics spread over 2 series for their first release of the season.

Having gained a lot of recognition for their unique, creative approach to their board designs, Isle continue their fine run of form with the Push/Pull Series 2 and the Paint & Pigment Series. The Push/Pull Series 2 sees new iterations of the brands first ever deck series reversing the white back ground to black and adding new ‘opposing’ imagery. The Paint & Pigment series looks a bit like a fine art piece with experimental paint powder, subtle imagery and cards with each riders initials. Both series feature decks for all 3 of the brands pro riders – brand owners Nick Jensen and Paul Shier, as well as Sylvian Tognelli. Each deck is constructed from generator wood which is made in the USA.

This year is certainly looking to be an exciting one for Isle, with some strong clothing pieces on the way that compliments the deck series, as well as several strong collaborative projects throughout the year. We can also be expecting the brands first full length video “Vase” which will be arriving shortly.

ISLE Spring 2015 line will be arriving this May. Be sure to keep an eye on for updates and to purchase from their current range.

MN07 Spring/Summer 2015 ‘The Hippy Apocalypse’
HUF Spring 2015 Delivery 2 Lookbook

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